KCR family is ready for Circus fete!
Today KTR has said that he will use Bramhastram when time arrives, threatening public and governments for dare consequences. But the fact is, the public want to see Gemini circus performed by KCR family once again.
At the last time, KCR begged for his life to end fast as he about to die, this time there will be no takers for KCR call. KCR family members have served him secretly with food and necessary items during the fast, in a closed room of NIMs hospital. KTR warning may lead to havoc in Hyderabad and ultimately, Hyderabad will become a UT or separate state.
Even politicians are challenging KCR to perform his circus publicly rather than hiding in closed doors and enjoy with all vitamins and proteins. Of course, he may face competition from Lagadapati in terms of no of days spent in fast. As per the sources, to collect the funds in the name of the Telanagna from business man and NRIs in Telangana region, he once again started drama as he knows Telanagana is not going to be happen.